Before you embark on discussions about a new database, here are few questions that will assist both you and anyone designing the system, to answer in order to understand what is to be expected.

  1. What reason or reasons do you have for developing this database?
  2. Who are the anticipated users of the database?
  3. Are there any areas of the database that need to be secured?
  4. If yes to 3, how do you plan to designate which users are allowed to view those areas?
  5. How many users do you anticipate accessing the system at the same time?
  6. What is the projected growth for your company over the next five years with respect to employees?
  7. If your company grows more quickly than anticipated, would be you open to upgrading the database?
  8. How will employees access the database?

Answering these questions will commence the process of "thinking" over how and what the database will do. Once the thought process starts moving, it will inevitably assist in the later stages.

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