If you've been referred her by a link from our Maintenance Program of MicroShop Products Support, then you'll know we can host your Web Site for you. We provide this service, as most small businesses do not wan the hassle of sorting it out themselves and probably end up with either nothing up or something that promotes their business in a bad light.
However you got to this page, the same benefits apply, we can host your site for your customers to benefit from. If your needs extend beyond that, we can discuss what avenues we have available for you to be able to satisfy your desires.
Generally, monthly hosting fees are from $22.00 - that's all that will be required to get your existing web pages up. Conditions apply, obviously!
So, why not take advantage of a low-cost internet presence and discuss with us today. Go to the Contact Page to email us.
Please note all prices displayed on this website are quoted in US$. If you require other currencies, please advise.